Friday, February 26, 2010

Major Depressive Disorder

Perlis, Iosifescu et al,,

Discussed the artifact that definitionally happens in clinical trials of assigning individuals to responder and non-responder categories when in fact the data always shows that the vast majority of individuals are oscillating in the spectrum in between. So unlike 8 week trial studies of antidepressants where there has to be an assignment of response vs no-response, these dense clinical data call for the application of other metrics such as proportion of days feeling "well." Unfortunately, such quality-of-life metrics don't go particularly well with many reviewers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rheumatology/Rheumatoid Arthritis

Plenge, Karlson, Liao et al.,

Planning for Kat's maternity leave.

  • Improving smoking history.
    • Discussed the challenge of inaccurate notes by "cut and paste" documenters.
  • Improving family history.
  • Starting gene-environment analysis

Large pharmaceutical companies interested in collaboration.

Major Depressive Disorder

Perlis, Iosifescu et al.

Dan Iosifescu announced he is moving to Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He had a great job offer there and we wish him well.

Victor discussed several tactics to increase the number of pertinent notes for NLP. There is quite a bit of validation effort required.

Friday, February 5, 2010

T-con with Leicester

We just had an interesting discussion with Nick Holden and his colleagues about the adoption in the UK of i2b2 for discovery studies.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Kat presenting: RA and coronary artery disease risk and dissecting the contribution of risk factors in the non-RA population (for CAD) to CAD in the RA population. This will include a broad overview of the auto-immunity landscape.