Friday, January 30, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Plenge et al,

Discussed a vexing problem where our gold standard subsample of the data mart appears to have sicker (or more annotated) patients than the overall RA data mart. That is the random sample appears biased. Not clear why and Kat is working with Vivian on figuring out why.

Major Depressive Disorder

Gainer, Smoller, Perlis, Kohane, Churchill

Reviewed the gold-standard efforts for the NLP of notes. Described how we are going to go through 120 patient cases (with dozens to hundreds of notes apiece). Also reviewed the finding of substance abuse as a confounder.

Year 6 planning

Keogh, Churchill, Kohane, Murphy, Gainer, Weber

Discussed augmentation of NLP efforts

Discussed interplay with CTSA.

Discussed upcoming national meetings.

Discussed March 18th milestone in collaboration with UW/UCSF/UCD

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i2b2 technology inside translational science

This announcement by NIH of several new collaborative projects across CTSA includes the highlight of one relevant to i2b2:

"The University of Washington project, led by Dr. Nicholas Anderson, will develop a mechanism allowing researchers at three large, geographically distributed medical centres to easily access large shared data sets to assist in designing research studies and generating hypotheses. This team, which includes investigators from the University of California, Davis, and the University of California, San Francisco, will extend Harvard University's i2b2 software architecture to support cross-institution searches."

This is a gratifying large scale adoption of i2b2 software and the leadership of our colleagues in the Northwest is much appreciated.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Visitor and Progress in the Rheumatoid Arthritis

Visitors from South Carolina (led Iain Sanderson), sat in on our Rheumatoid Arthritis DBP led by Robert Plenge.

Discussed the latest analyses of the increment in accuracy derived from NLP and the differences in cohort sizes and misclassification that would arise with and without various data types.

Mission Hill, Jan 23, 2009

Mission Hill, Jan 23, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

All Hands Meeting

Reviewed national CTSA efforts in NLP.

Reviewed the 1.3 i2b2 release just made available.

Jong Min from Marcy MacDonald's lab (who ran one of the first i2b2 DBP's) presented follow-up on his studies of gene expression and variation in length in the huntingtin gene.

Fenway, Jan 16, 2009

Major Depressive Disorder

Qing, Zak, Susanne, Shawn, Jordan, Roy, Griffin, Dan, Vivian

Discussed the definition of normality for the imaging controls and how far back in time we could pull normal MRI's.

Reviewed the validation methodology for cohort ascertainment. This include the review of the flow from the original RPDR database all the way through the various NLP filters and human validation steps. Clear consensus that we need to focus on Positive Predictive Value and Negative Predictive Value. Significant discussion of what constitutes a positive case.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Release 1.3

Congratulations to Core 2. The latest version (1.3) of the i2b2 workbench including an AJAX client is now available. Hats off to Shawn Murphy, Griffin Weber, and Mike Mendis.