Friday, December 17, 2010

Temporal Reasoning

Weber, Griffin, Mendis, Kohane, Churchill, McGow

Griffin committed to elaborating the tempotral query workflow over the next two months using UI mockups intended to drive our back end architecting of the interval/point representations and episode of care. Goal is a firm perspective on the

Thin client UI extensions. Discussed workflow dependencies.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Visiting: John Pestian

Also: Ozlem, Guergana, Margharita, Szolovits, Kohane, Churchill

Discussed a clinical corpus of victims of suicide and how to approach the NLP task in this horribly at risk population. Also discussed several evaluation strategies.

Autoimmune-CVD DBP

Gainer, Cai, Savova, Ashwin, Plenge, Sordo, Kohane, Raychaudri, Karlson

Focus on Inflammatory Bowel disease today.

Reviewed disease itself: Peak incidence:14-24 (second peak between 50-70 years).

Not an autoimmune disease (auto-antibodiesa not found against human antigens) but the immune system plays an important pathogenic role. Smoking is an important risk factor for IBD but in very specific ways:

Past smoking increases risk of ulcerative colitis but current smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease.

Reviewed previously implicated genes in linkage and GWAS studies. Reviewed clinical course and treatment. Reviewed epidemiological evidence regarding cardiovascular disease in IBD.

Concluded with a discussion of the IBD component of the auto-immune-CVD datamart.

Release schedule/Temporal Reasoning

Attending: Kohane, Murphy, Weber, Churchill, Mendis, McGow

Discussed the follow on of our prior discussions on the design of an episode table and an Episode-to-FACT mapping table.


Shaw, Kohane, Gainer. Churchill, Savova, Sordo, Iftikhar Kullo callinh-in from Mayo

Reviewed first how Dr. Kullo et al defined peripheral arterial disease. First without and then with NLP on clinical reports (mostly on interventional radiology and ultrasound to a lesser degree, CT and MRI angiograms). The performance described is remarkable (accuracy in the high 90's).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Selection of patients by NLP: reproducibility across institutions

Led by Rheumatoid arthritis DBP

Northwestern, Vanderbilt calling in on Skype.

Reviewed the remarkably good concordance of the performance across several systems.


Friday, November 19, 2010


Temporal Reasoning

Mendis, Bickel, Kohane, Weber, Murphy

Lots of back and forth about representing multiple versions/depictions of episode in patient selection. Discussion of which tables will bear the additional complexity.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Autoimmune CVD DBP

Murphy, Karlsson. Gainer, Shaw, Savova, Szolovits, Liao, Kohane, Churchill, Cai,

Discussed the NLP annotation pipeline (used by the "gold standard" annotators).

Discussed predictors of RA (by NLP and codified data) in patients who previously did not qualify as having RA.


Shaw, Savova, Liao, Churchill, Murphy, Gainer, Sordo, Kohane

Discussed how to learn lessons from other NLP CVD efforts that Guergana has been involved in (e.g. the eMERGE applications of her cTAKES framework). Discussed the addition of echocardiogram data.

Open source collaborations

Murphy, Kohane, Weber, Mendis, McGaw, Bickel

Reviewed the growing volume of AUG email related to installing i2b2 (multiple operating systems and RDBMS) and how to be responsive without overwhelming our other developer community support activities.

Discussed improvements to the i2b2 web client and incorporating contributions from the community.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

Gainer, Murphy, Shaw, Liao, Kohane, Churchill

Extensive discussion of which case cohort definition we will adopt for cardiovascular disease. Projected that discussion into the eventual endgame for molecular physiological characterization.

Specifics around EKG and echocardiogram reports reviewed.

Open source projects etc

Murphy, Weber, Churchill, McGow, Wilson, Kohane, Mendis

Reviewed Specifically the i2b2 webclient as a first instance (this is a project that was first started by Griffin to work on top of the .NET stack) of bringing in a non-core project. Discussed how to prioritize tasks within a sponsored project.

We had an important but tangential discussion about the definition of episodes of care.

Friday, October 15, 2010

All Hands Meeting

More than 20 participants. First, Kohane went over the outline of what i2b2 (v2) is going to focus on. Then reviewed recent AUG meeting and introduced Robert Plenge and Stanley Shaw who described the new DBP's of which they are PI.

Academic Users Group (AUG)

We tagged the AUG meeting onto the national CTSA meeting. As you see from the pictures below, we had good attendance along with the 27 others attending via WEBEX.

Topics included

  • An outline of the i2b2 proposal's roadmap for the next 4 years.
  • The new process for integrating and hosting contributions from the AUG.
  • The new cell to manage the interaction between a laboratory information system for biosamples and the IRB relationship to samples and studies and patients (Lynn Bry)
  • New commercial and open source terminology mappings that are easily uploadable into i2b2.
  • Use of i2b2 for registries (e.g. Cincinnati Children's leadership of a new AHRQ grant to use i2b2 for registries, particularly for pediatric inflammatory bowel disease, across 30 sites, and the CARRAnet registry)
  • Temporal query cell to support point and interval temporal queries
Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010
Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010
Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010 Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010 Woodmont Triangle, Oct 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

GARLIC—Genomic Analysis Results Library Integration Cell

Brian Wilson presented the roadmap for i2b2(v2) for representation of genome-scale data ranging from SNP arrays to assembled full genomes or the short reads from which they were assembled. This preliminary roadmap is outlined below. Given the general interest of the GARLIC application domain (i.e. querying for patient populations with specified genome-scale characteristics) there are likely to be several national groups and/or users which have experience and interest. We plan to contact those we know of and appreciate other groups reaching out to help, collaborate or inform.

Friday, October 8, 2010

NLP kickoff

Ozlem, Guergana, Margarita, Jiaping Zeng, Pete Zak

Reviewed the co-reference NLP challenge and what needs to be done?

Discussed the challenges of combining packages with different open source licenses. The webservice API is generally seen as a useful way to keep packages with different licenses working together. The cost is the increased installation/dissemination complexity.

Kickoff meeting of DBP #1

Ashwin (IBD) Ananthakrishnan, Philip L. De Jager (MS), Beth Karlson, Helena Canhão, Kat, Sordo, Guergana, Stan, Peter Szolovits, Robert Plenge, Raoul Guzman, Vivian Gainer, Xia Zongqi (Neuro-rheumatology), LJ Wei, Peter Szolovits, Tianxi Cai

The PI's described how they propose to build on the experience of the RA DBP to go into further depth into the phenotypes (around RA) and drug effects/efficacy and see how far we can go with EHR-derived phenotypes. Further, we will be studying the shared and differing pathotypes across a larger range of autoimmune diseases, namely including inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis (for which we have expert representation in this DBP). We also reviewed the imperative to identify subcohorts (based on combinations of clinical and genomic stratification) that have distinguishing therapeutic efficacy and/or adverse events.

Thompsonville, Oct 8, 2010

Thompsonville, Oct 8, 2010Thompsonville, Oct 8, 2010

Temporal Reasoning

Present: Susanne Churchill, Ozlem, Zak, Guergana, Griffin Weber, Dan Nigrin

Welcome to my first blog post in the recompeted i2b2.

We discussed temporal reasoning requirements in the new i2b2. Requirements for interval and point logic and how we were informed by Nigrin's master thesis reviewed. Integration of NLP derived temporal relations was preliminarily reviewed.

New DBP: Diabetes and CVD

Present: Stan Shaw, Vivian Gainer, Margarita Sordo. Kat, Susanne Churchill, Ozlem, Zak, Guergana

The new DBP led by Stan Shaw addresses the epigenetics (DNA methylation, histone acetylation, histone methylation assayed using full genome-scale resequencing) of heart disease in the context of diabetes mellitus.

Kat reviewed the overall approach that we take in DBP's in defining cohorts through billing code,

Ozlem gave an update on the new de-identification pipeline.

We reviewed which fellow we might find to do some of the heavy lifting with Stan.

Thompsonville, Oct 8, 2010

Thompsonville, Oct 8, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

i2b2 for EPIC users

Courtesy of Keith Marsolo, here is some very useful guidance.

We've posted some documentation that describes our work with the Epic Clarity database. It can be found at the following location:

The first document: "Moving Data from Epic to I2B2.docx" describes, well, our approach to moving data from Epic to i2b2. It's not complete, but it provides an overview of how we load demographics, diagnoses, and medications. There's some information on how we create metadata XML for each content type. This is similar to the upcoming "modifier" functionality in version 1.6. Until we release our code, it's more or less CCHMC-specific, but the content would be applicable to either approach.

The other document "epic_dw_master_tables.pdf" details some of the steps used to create our "Master" Epic datamart that we provide to users for reporting and other purposes. Not all of the tables are included, but we've provided a few of the more frequently used ones. The scripts provide an overview of what columns/tables to use to look for certain content.

Words of "wisdom":
1. The tables/columns in Epic may have misleading names. Always check the Epic UserWeb/Clarity data dictionaries to determine the true purpose of the field.
2. Never assume that the Epic documentation is accurate and/or complete. Each institutions Epic implementation is different, and data may be in unique locations, particularly if that data is fed by an interface. To verify the data you are working with is correct (i.e. what you think it means), I would encourage you to work with your Clarity Reporting Team or end users to ensure that the data in the database matches what appears on the screen.

Friday, August 20, 2010

i2b2 in Japan

As our Summer winds down, the various i2b2 core development teams are returning to Boston. Meanwhile our colleagues in Japan have been busy implementing their version of i2b2. Kudos!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Minutes (courtesy Patience Gallagher)


  • PV
    • Reminder of the original concept:
      • Group patients on SSRIs into 3 groups based on whether their medication had a high, medium or low affinity for the serotonin transporter - determine if there is a dose response for bleeding events
        • Use this design instead of a case-control
        • Decided against self-matched analysis because that approach is best when the exposure is intermittent and has immediate, transient effects
      • Doing this study is important, as there is limited data available in the literature, but the prior is high (Smoller et al., 2009, Archives of Internal Medicine)
      • Outcome of interest: Bleeds (e.g. stroke, GI bleeds)
    • Vivian, Roy and Victor have worked on various iterations of the same general idea – the group needs to decide on final approach.
    • The Plan:
      • Use a test of proportions (Zak has a reference for this that he can distribute)
        • (This approach is kind of like a Chi Square)
      • Use only patients on monotherapy
        • We are not looking at dose of medication, just where the prescription falls on the affinity spectrum, which will be divided into three groups (high, medium and low affinity)
      • Start with a patient’s first exposure to AD (not first event) à look forward 6 months. If event doesn’t happen in those six months, restart the clock.
        • Although six months is the primary window of time, a sensitivity analysis of 30 days will also be done.
      • If a patient switches categories (goes from high to medium affinity drug) they are censored. However, if a patient switches from one drug to another within the same affinity category, they stay in the analysis.
      • As a control, we’ll look at patients with: MI, DVT, prostate cancer, colon cancer, asthma, and breast cancer (?)
      • The 3 groups (high, medium and low affinity) will be compared on visit intensity, age, gender
        • As long as visit intensity isn’t associated with just one of the categories of affinities, it should not be a confounder.
    • Victor has written most of the code needed for these analyses, so he will incorporate the ideas discussed today and bring the results to the meeting next week.
    • Additional issues to consider:
      • Using another psychotropic comparator as a negative control would be good, but difficult to do.
      • Look at depression response (do patients actually get better while on AD?)
      • Collaboration with the Stroke Service at MGH (Dr. Furie) – They are interested in collaborating – Roy will follow up with them.
        • They have a comprehensive stroke database (that includes imaging data) that could be incredibly useful for the PV component – And reciprocally, our AD exposure info/algorithms would be beneficial to them.
        • Protocol will need to be amended to incorporate their data in our analyses

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Cai, Kohane, Szolovits, Murphy, Goryachev, Savova, Churchill, Karlson, Plenge

Reviewed different NLP strategies for smoking (a crucial exposure risk for RA).

Discussed SNP validation manuscript.

Technology updates

Kohane, Murphy, Weber, Churchill, Wilson. Mendis

Reviewed plugin architecture and convergence between web and Java client.

Reviewed "normals" project.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Crimson Cell

Wilson, Bry, Murphy, Kohane, Churchill

Discussed progress on the Cell. Includes support for approved protocols and specimen details.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Beth Karlson provided an overall review of RA epidemiology so as to compare to our i2b2 work. Among the interesting facts I learned: In the Nurse's Health Study only 6% of the self-reported cases of RA were validated by the expert reviewers. Described relative risk of smoking with regard to RA is approximately 1.4 and is an effect that take appears to only taper off with about 20 years of smoking cessation.

Mission Hill Projects, Apr 9, 2010

Planning for hands on i2b2 tutorial for AMIA NOW

Mendis, Wilson, Savova, Weber, Kohane, Churchill,

Discussed the content for a hands on tutorial for the upcoming AMIA NOW.

Friday, April 2, 2010

New members of the i2b2 team

Brian Wilson (bioinformatics and statistical genetics) and Guergana Savova (natural language processing) both from the Mayo Institute have just joined the i2b2 team. Welcome to both!

Guergana Savova and Brian Wilson

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

AMIA Translational Summit

Shawn, Zak, Susanne, Vivian, Mike, and Griffin attended the AMIA Translational Informatics Summit 2010 in SF. There were several i2b2 events including a) a packed three and half hour tutorial b) an overview of i2b2 applications c) an evening AUG meeting. Lots of interest, good questions and interesting developments.

Little Saigon, Mar 10, 2010

Little Saigon, Mar 10, 2010

NOMA, Mar 10, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Major Depressive Disorder

Perlis, Iosifescu et al,,

Discussed the artifact that definitionally happens in clinical trials of assigning individuals to responder and non-responder categories when in fact the data always shows that the vast majority of individuals are oscillating in the spectrum in between. So unlike 8 week trial studies of antidepressants where there has to be an assignment of response vs no-response, these dense clinical data call for the application of other metrics such as proportion of days feeling "well." Unfortunately, such quality-of-life metrics don't go particularly well with many reviewers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rheumatology/Rheumatoid Arthritis

Plenge, Karlson, Liao et al.,

Planning for Kat's maternity leave.

  • Improving smoking history.
    • Discussed the challenge of inaccurate notes by "cut and paste" documenters.
  • Improving family history.
  • Starting gene-environment analysis

Large pharmaceutical companies interested in collaboration.

Major Depressive Disorder

Perlis, Iosifescu et al.

Dan Iosifescu announced he is moving to Mount Sinai School of Medicine. He had a great job offer there and we wish him well.

Victor discussed several tactics to increase the number of pertinent notes for NLP. There is quite a bit of validation effort required.

Friday, February 5, 2010

T-con with Leicester

We just had an interesting discussion with Nick Holden and his colleagues about the adoption in the UK of i2b2 for discovery studies.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Kat presenting: RA and coronary artery disease risk and dissecting the contribution of risk factors in the non-RA population (for CAD) to CAD in the RA population. This will include a broad overview of the auto-immunity landscape.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Plenge, Karlsson, Liao et al.

Discussed paper under review and how different diagrams of the NLP process need to be improved.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Major Depressive Disorder

Perlis et al.,

Perspective on how the original DBP relates to a new R01 that Perlis was awarded. The original DBP 2000 samples original goal of the DBP from which the GWAS would be drawn. The new R01 provides for additional samples and additional modeling. Long discussion about long-term curation of de-identified notes ensued. Several pitfalls were addressed.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Interesting commercial implementation of i2b2

J&J has made an interesting foray into creating a translational analytic platform using i2b2. This article from Bio-ITWorld summarizes an impressive bit of work led Eric Perakslis. They have pulled together multiple private and public data sources to help accelerate their discovery and validation process. Perhaps this presages a further push into trans-enterprise intelligence at the pharmaceutical companies?